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T.C.C. Student Support Resources

Access Services Student Support Services

TCC's Student Support Services Specialist, Jordan Radford, offers one-on-one services with students with the goal to provide services that assist students with navigating the collegiate realm and promote independence. While this service is open to all TCC students, priority will be given to registered Access Services Students.

Specific services include: 

  • Study skills: lessons on developing healthy study habits intending to increase reading-comprehension and writing skills and decreasing test anxiety and overall study time.
  • Note-taking skills: Instruction of helpful software, strategies, and tips intending to increase note-taking frequency, coherency, and future review. 
  • Organization skills: Develop effective practices for organizing notes, emails, schedules, and class materials intended to decrease anxiety and promote an efficient learning atmosphere. 
  • Time management skills: Increase motivation and efficiency with effective scheduling practices. 
  • Self-advocacy skills: Lessons to increase independence and confidence in oneself by understanding identity, worth, rights, and connection with the social realm. 
  • Self-care practices: Strategies to promote healthy eating, sleeping, social, and other life practices to increase quality of life and academic success.
  • Accountability meetings: Schedule a time for a check-in for progress on assignments, study practices, time management, and upkeep on overall health and learning. 

Students with accommodations can book with Jordan directly through the Access Services Booking Page. Contact Jordan via email or by text: 360-504-6357. 

Access Services Dedicated Disability Math Tutoring

The Access Services Dedicated Math Tutor, Stevie Grimm, is offering assistance with navigating math courses and is providing one-on-one in-person math tutoring. This service is only available for registered Access Services students.

Specific services include support with the following courses:  

  • ABE 83 - Applied Math 2 
  • ABE 84 - Pre-algebra 
  • ABE 85 - Intro to elementary algebra 
  • ABE 90 - Elementary algebra 
  • ABE 95 - Intermediate algebra 
  • MATH 146 - Statistics 

Students with accommodations can book with Stevie directly through Stevie's Booking Page. Contact Stevie via email or by text: 360-504-6357. 

Other T.C.C. resources available to students

Tacoma Community College is dedicated to offering its students a variety of resources to support their success in their academic and personal lives. You can find more information about each program by visiting their website.